Academic Ombud

Academic Ombud


Students may bring concerns about student academic rights and violations of academic integrity to the Academic Ombud.  The Ombud serves a purely communicative function, providing a confidential and impartial space, as legally permissible, to discuss these issues.  Students may explore formal complaints, clarify issues, and consider options and resources to address their concerns.  The Academic Ombud may share relevant information with appropriate parties, as the student wishes, or hold it in confidence.


The Ombud advises students on issues regarding student academic rights related to:


·Academic integrity (plagiarism, cheating, etc.)

·Grade disputes as a result of a violation of the student's academic rights

·Unfairness or concerns with retaliation

·Cross-cultural misunderstandings

·Other academic issues


Consultation with the Ombud is meant to supplement, but not replace, the process of academic resolution (contacting the course instructor, department chair, and submitting a formal appeal or complaint to the office of the Provost).  The Academic Ombud serves as chair and a non-voting member of the Academic Policy Committee, where formal student academic appeals are considered.  In this way, they can ensure fair application of policies, as related in the Academic Catalog.


The Academic Ombud does not deal with issues relating to student life, disability services, Title IX violations, or finances.  See the Student Handbook for additional information regarding these issues.


To submit an inquiry or to schedule an appointment, please email [email protected]


Please note: Communication with the Academic Ombud is not "notice to the university" of problems or policy violations, except where the Ombud is required by law or university policy to forward that notice. The Ombud can help students to determine how to keep their own records or submit formal complaints and appeals, and also help students identify the appropriate office to contact if applicable. In cases where information reported to the Ombud indicates that there may be a violation of the university’s Title IX Policy, the Ombud will be obligated to report that information to the Title IX coordinator.