
Georgetown College (“College”) prohibits the exclusion of any person, on the basis of sex, from participation in, to be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any academic, extracurricular, research, occupational training, or other education program or activity operated by the College.[1] If not addressed by the College, sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct, as defined below, constitute a form of discrimination on the basis of sex.[2] The purpose of this Title IX Prohibited Conduct and Sexual Misconduct Policy (the “Policy”) is to set forth the prompt and effective steps which the College will take to end sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and discrimination on the basis of sex, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.[3] This Policy applies to Title IX sexual harassment, quid pro quo, sex-based discrimination, sexual misconduct, and retaliation involving the College’s students, faculty, staff, visitors, and others who conduct business on campus or with the College, and which occur against a person in the United States.[4] Any provision of any other College policy or handbook which deals with sex-based discrimination in any fashion is hereby superseded, as of the Effective Date herein, by this Policy, so that all forms of sexual misconduct involving the education programs of the College will be subjected to the remedial steps set forth in this Policy.

This Policy is based on definitions set forth in regulations promulgated by the U.S. Department of Education under Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and this Policy limits the scope of Title IX Sexual Harassment to, among other things, conduct that occurs within the United States and conduct that occurs within the College’s education program or activity (hereinafter defined). To address incidences of sexual misconduct that do not fall within the definition or the jurisdictional requirements of Title IX Prohibited Conduct, this Policy is subdivided into two sections that are correlated to one another and must be read together:

Section I - Title IX Prohibited Conduct: Applies to Sex-Based Discrimination, Sexual Harassment (“Section I”), Sexual Misconduct within the scope of Title IX Sexual Harassment;

Section II – Sexual Misconduct: Applies to Sexual Misconduct (“Section II”), that is outside the scope of Title IX Sexual Harassment but prohibited by Georgetown College.

As used herein, “Section I Title IX Prohibited Conduct collectively refers to the following conduct, as defined in this Policy: Section I Title IX Sex-based Discrimination, Quid Pro Quo, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation.

Section II applies to Sexual Misconduct, including Sexual Exploitation, Improper Conduct Related to Sex, (as defined herein), which are forms of sexual misconduct that do not fall under the scope of Title IX or Section I of this Policy. In addition, Section II Sexual Misconduct also includes complaints that must be dismissed under Section I because the complaint does not meet the jurisdictional requirements of Title IX, although it may allege certain conduct that would otherwise be conduct prohibited by Section I. This entire Policy, including Sections I and II, can be accessed through the College’s website at and is contained by reference with hyperlinks in the Student Handbook, the College’s Policies and Procedures Manual, the Faculty Handbook, College Catalog, and College Honor Code.

Appendix “A” contains a list of names, physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, and certain other information which may change from time to time. Appendix “A” may occasionally be updated by the Title IX Coordinator without College approval, so as to maintain current information for use by the campus community.

Appendix “B” contains a list of possible sanctions and remedies in case of determination of responsibility.

Appendix “C” contains a flow chart as a visual representation of the Title IX grievance process.

Nothing contained in this Policy shall be deemed to have created a contract between the College and any student, faculty member, or staff member. The College reserves the right to unilaterally change any provision of this Policy without the consent of any other party. 


[1] 34 CFR §106.31.

[2] 2001 Guidance, p. 2.

[3] 2001 Guidance, p. iii.

[4] 34 CFR §106.8(c).and (d); 34 CFR §106.31(b); 2001 Guidance, p. 13.