Sanctions and Remedies

Factors considered when determining a sanction or /responsive action may include, but are not limited to:

  • The nature, severity of, and circumstances surrounding the violation(s)
  • The Respondent’s disciplinary history
  • Previous allegations or allegations involving similar conduct
  • The need for sanctions/responsive actions to bring an end to the discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation
  • The need for sanctions/responsive actions to prevent the future recurrence of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation
  • The need to remedy the effects of the discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation on the Complainant and the community
  • The impact on the parties
  • Any other information deemed relevant by the Decision-maker(s)

The sanctions will be implemented as soon as is feasible, either upon the outcome of any appeal or the expiration of the window to appeal without an appeal being requested.

The sanctions described in this policy are not exclusive and may be in addition to other actions taken or sanctions imposed by external authorities.

Sanctions Applicable to Students

Any of the following sanctions, or combinations of sanctions, may be imposed on a student responsible for a Title IX Prohibited Conduct violation or a violation of Section II of the Sexual Misconduct Policy. Disciplinary action other than those outlined below may be taken as the situation warrants. A temporary suspension by an official of the College for a designated period of time may be issued in instances where students are judged to be disruptive in conduct to the educational mission and/or pose a substantial threat to the health or safety of themselves or others. An interim suspension is made pending a hearing on the alleged offense. Failure to abide by the imposed sanction may result in additional violations and/or sanctions. The examples of sanctions in this list are illustrative and should not be read as a comprehensive list; other sanctions may be issued to a student found responsible for a violation of policy as deemed appropriate.

  1. Reprimand: A formal oral statement to a student that they are violating or have violated institutional policies. No reprimand shall be entered as a permanent part of the student’s record unless issued by the appropriate Student Conduct personnel, at which time it will be entered as a part of their judicial file and permanent record.
  2. Warning: Notice given in writing that continuation or repetition of inappropriate conduct within a period of time stated in the warning may be cause for more severe disciplinary action or additional sanctioning.
  3. Education Course: A course specifically designed to educate students who violate institutional policies. The education course may be assigned in the form of an online program designed to inform students on the consequences of behaviors that violate policy; or may be assigned in the form of mandated meeting(s) with a predetermined staff or faculty member.
  4. Counseling*: A required intake counseling session with staff of the Counseling and Health Center. The student may be required to complete additional meetings as recommended by the Counseling and Health staff.

*The Student Conduct staff are only notified of the completion of the counseling session, not of the discussion or contents of the sessions.

  1. Mentor Meetings: A student is required to complete a predetermined number of check‐in meeting(s) with a designated or requested staff and/or faculty mentor.
  2. Fines: An appropriate fine may be charged to the student’s account for policy violations, damages incurred, or failure to complete a sanction, in an amount as deemed appropriate by the Student Conduct hearing officer or Student Conduct hearing board.
  3. Restitution: Repayment for loss encumbered by an individual or the College as a result of the student’s Code of Conduct violation. The restitution amount will be charged to the student’s account.
  4. Required Change of Residency: The student will be required to move housing assignment from one residence hall area to another. This sanction will be required of those students that reside in upscale housing whose policy violations exceed the number required for eligibility to live at Hambrick Village, Rucker Village, or East Campus as outlined in the housing policies of the Student Handbook.
  5. Loss of On-Campus Housing: A requirement for a student to vacate campus housing by a designated time as determined by the Student Conduct hearing officer or Student Conduct hearing board.
  6. Trespass Notice: The student is prohibited from visiting or returning to a part or all of any residence hall, administrative building, property, or designated area of campus. If the student returns, they may be subject to arrest for trespassing and/or additional disciplinary action through the College.
  7. Restriction of Access to Space, Resources, and Activities: When appropriate in cases involving behavioral misconduct between members of the community, restrictions may be placed on access to space and/or resources or on participation in activities so as to limit opportunities for contact among the parties.
  8. Campus Work: Participation in educational programs or projects may be assigned with one or more departments on campus. There will a $20.00 per hour fee for campus work hours not completed, and this amount will be charged to the student’s account.
  9. Service to the Community: Volunteer service to a community organization, as designated by the Student Conduct hearing officer or Student Conduct hearing board. If this sanction is issued, it will be the responsibility of the student to contact, make arrangements, and provide proof of completed service hours. Distance from campus for students without motor transportation will be considered.
  10. No Contact Order: A no contact order may be issued between two parties on campus when deemed necessary by a Student Life administrator, or by request from one involved party. A no contact order when issued serves as an official directive that the named party may not have contact with or be in the same relative vicinity of another party. This includes no contact in person, by telephone, email, text message, or other electronic means of communication, including various social media platforms, or through a third party (other than an attorney) until further notice.
  11.  Probation: Official notice that should violations of policy or the Student Code of Conduct occur during the probation period, then additional sanctioning may be implemented; including but not limited to deferred suspension, suspension, or expulsion.  Probation may include exclusion from participation in privileged or extracurricular College activities as set forth in the notice of probation.
  12. Withholding of Degree: In cases involving seniors or graduate students in their final semester, the College may withhold a student’s Georgetown College degree for a specified period of time. This sanction is imposed instead of suspension at the end of a student’s senior year or final year of graduate study when all other degree requirements have been met. A withheld degree is recorded on a student's transcript. Relevant information remains on the student’s permanent record at the College and may be disclosed by the Office of Student Conduct or the Vice President of Student Life in response to requests for which the student has given permission or as otherwise legally required.
  13. Deferred Suspension: Students are suspended but are allowed to continue as a student under specific conditions as outlined by the Student Conduct hearing officer or Student Conduct hearing board. Any subsequent violation may result in immediate removal from the college.
  14. Suspension[1]: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities or from the College, as set forth in the notice of suspension, for a defined period of time. A third violation of the Alcohol and/or Drugs policies may result in a suspension period of at least one academic year.
  15. Expulsion[2]*: Termination of student status for an indefinite period of time.

Sanctions Applicable to Employees

For violations of this policy by College employees, disciplinary sanctions may include, in accordance with the Georgetown College Faculty Handbook and/or the Georgetown College Policies and Procedures Manual, any of the following: (a) counseling; (b) training; (c) verbal or written warning; (d) paid or unpaid leave of absence; (e) suspension (or recommendation for suspension); (f) demotion; or (g) termination (or recommendation for termination).

The College may place a faculty or staff member on administrative leave during the pendency of a grievance process, in accordance with applicable policies as outlined in the College Faculty Handbook or the Policies and Procedures Manual, provided that such action shall not modify any rights under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Sanctions Applicable to Non-Members of the College Community

For violations of this policy by non-members of the College community, including alumni, disciplinary sanctions may include being temporarily or permanently barred from the University or subject to other restrictions.


[1] Students who are suspended are trespassed from all College property and College‐sponsored events, violation of a trespass due to suspension or expulsion may result in prosecution under relevant state and local laws.


[2] Students who are expelled are trespassed from all College property and College‐sponsored events, violation of a trespass due to suspension or expulsion may result in prosecution under relevant state and local laws.