Title IX Coordinator

The College’s current Title IX Coordinator is the individual specified in Title IX Resources Information.[1] The current contact information, including the name and title of the Title IX Coordinator, office address, electronic mail address, and telephone number of the Title IX Coordinator can be found in the Appendices under Title IX Resources Information.[2] The Title IX Coordinator shall coordinate the College’s efforts to comply with its responsibilities under this Policy, guidance from the United States Department of Education, and federal statutes and regulations governing misconduct addressed by this Policy.[3] Further, when designating a Title IX coordinator, the College will make efforts to designate a coordinator whose other job responsibilities will not create a direct conflict of interest.

The Title IX Coordinator will coordinate the College’s efforts in complying with Title IX and promoting gender equity in education.

The College must inform the Title IX Coordinator of all reports and complaints raising Title IX or sexual misconduct issues under this Policy, and the Title IX Coordinator shall oversee the College’s centralized response to ensure compliance with Title IX, the 2022 Amendments to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and this Policy.[4]  The Title IX Coordinator shall be informed even if the complaint was initially filed with another individual or office, or if the investigation will ultimately be conducted by another individual or office. Following each report or complaint, the Title IX Coordinator shall conduct an initial assessment to determine whether Section I - Title IX Prohibited Conduct or Section II - Sexual Misconduct applies, and initiate steps accordingly. The Title IX Coordinator shall exercise their oversight of complaints or reports which are conducted outside of the office of the Title IX Coordinator. Offices which conduct investigations or respond to complaints and/or reports for conduct prohibited under Section II of this Policy shall report to the Title IX Coordinator regularly as to the status of such complaints and/or reports referred to those offices and shall be responsive to inquiries from the Title IX Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator will assemble a Team of individuals who can perform the duties of Title IX deputy, institution-appointed advisor, investigator, decision-maker, or informal resolution facilitator. Each member of the Title IX Team will be appropriately trained in the area in which they are designated.

The College will ensure that the Title IX Coordinator is appropriately trained and possess comprehensive knowledge in all areas over which the Title IX Coordinator has responsibility in order to effectively carry out those responsibilities, including College policies and procedures on sex-based discrimination and all complaints raising Title IX and sexual misconduct issues throughout the College.


[1] 34 CFR §106.8(a).

[2] 34 CFR §106.8(a).

[3] 34 CFR §106.8(a).

[4] Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)